A Collection of Resources
Below are various articles/videos/podcasts that are interesting, thought-provoking, and worthy of consideration. We hope they will be encouraging to you and invite you to read them.
The Seven Deadly Sins and Spiritual Formation Lecture at Covenant College by Rebecca DeYoung. Follow along with these slides.
“Whose Story Will You Follow” podcast by Karen Ellis, published on April 1, 2022 on The Gospel Coalition.
“Bonhoeffer in China: An Interview” by Yu Jie, originally published on March 21, 2017.
The videos from Dr. Diane Langberg’s presentation, “The Church as a Refuge,” presented at Stony Point Presbyterian Church on October 1, 2022. Session One: Understanding Power and its Abuse and Session Two: Systemic Abuse
Here is a video recording from our Sept. 14, 2022 Spoken Word Night. You can follow along with the lyrics here.
Christian NGOs
The following websites are Christian Non-Government Organizations (NGO) that work in nations that persecute Christians across the world. The organizations spread the gospel, support local churches and work through networks to save lives of Christian adults and children threatened with or impacted by terrorism, human rights violations, abductions, sexual abuse and various forms of inprisionment, labor camps and slavery. You may contact them for prayer requests, donations or other types of involvement.
International Christian Response
International Christian Concern
World News Group has a half hour news podcast called The World and Everything In It